Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Mark Philippoussis

Mark Philippoussis is losing yet again at the Australian Open. He's had 3 knee reconstructions and numerous other injuries. He's always been the most exciting male player for me. But his friend in Australia is Alan Jones, a right-wing radio commentator. How do we separate out sport from politics? I watch him play because he was once great, but I probably hate the man.

I'm writing up the Australian tennis Open.

1 comment:

Susanna Duffy said...

A friend is someone you know, like, and trust. Someone with whom you're allied in a world-view, a committment, a struggle or cause. In other words, a comrade.

What kind of person has Alan Jones as a comrade? For starters, John W Howard who incidentally is a great fan of cricket. How do you separate sport from politics? You don't